L’Universo per me, Cade la Neve, That’s Amore is the Fourth set of our planned Coro All’Improvviso activity at Il Carretto Restaurant in the near future. I will announce this activity once I have Ten Participants… Send me your interest in coming via Messenger… Enjoy these songs, look up the lyrics and let’s Moomba together!
La Prima Cosa Bella, La Spagnola and Tango Delle Capinere is the Third set of our planned Coro All’Improvviso activity at Il Carretto Restaurant in the near future. I will announce this activity once I have Ten Participants… Send me your interest in coming via Messenger… Enjoy these songs, look up the lyrics and let’s Moomba together!
Thursday – 04/07/2024 – Coro all’improvviso No.22 Songs Nos 10, 11, 12 – Signora Fortuna, ‘O Paese. d’ ‘o Sole, Era de Maggio – Thank you to Achille Togliani and many Neapolitan singers for these songs. Today we, Trio Lucano No. 2, sing these here in Melbourne. You can also try to sing along to improve listening skills, pronunciation, intonation and good reading as an adult learning Italian. Singing is a healthy activity in private and socially. It helps our mental well being. Canta che ti passa! Go to Spotify and type Tom Padula TV for original singers interpretation… Also subscribe to TomPadulaTV on YouTube. Look up Coro All’improvviso Programs and much more… and Subscribe or follow!
Thursday – 04/07/2024 – Coro all’improvviso No.22 Songs Nos 7,8,9 – Una Vecchia canzone Italiana, La Fisarmonica, Lo studente passa – Thank you to Sergio Mauro, Achille Togliani, Tito Schipa for these songs. Today we, Trio Lucano No. 2, sing these here in Melbourne. You can also try to sing along to improve listening skills, pronunciation, intonation and good reading as an adult learning Italian. Singing is a healthy activity in private and socially. It helps our mental well being. Canta che ti passa! Go to Spotify and type Tom Padula TV for original singers interpretation… Also subscribe to TomPadulaTV on YouTube. Look up Coro All’improvviso Programs and much more… and Subscribe or follow!
Thursday – 20/06/2024 – Coro all’improvviso No.22 Songs Nos 4, 5, 6 – Voulez vous dander, Chiamalo Amore, Vieneme ‘Nzuonno – Thank you to Richie e Poveri, Gigliola Cinquetti, Sergio Bruni for these songs. Today we, Trio Lucano No. 2, sing these here in Melbourne. You can also try to sing along to improve listening skills, pronunciation, intonation and good reading as an adult learning Italian. Singing is a healthy activity in private and socially. It helps our mental well being. Canta che ti passa! Go to Spotify and type Tom Padula TV for original singers interpretation… Also subscribe to TomPadulaTV on YouTube. Look up Coro All’improvviso Programs and much more… and Subscribe or follow!
Thursday – 20/06/2024 – Coro all’improvviso – Prog 22 – Songs Nos 1, 2, 3 Non ho l’eta’, La Coppia piu’ bella del mondo, Erba di casa mia – Thank you to Gigliola Cinquetti, Adriano Celentano and Massimo Ranieri for these popular songs. Today we, Trio Lucano No. 2, sing these here in Melbourne. You can also try to sing along to improve listening skills, pronunciation, intonation and good reading as an adult learning Italian. Singing is a healthy activity in private and socially. It helps our mental well being. Canta che ti passa! Go to Spotify and type Tom Padula TV for original singers interpretation… Also subscribe to TomPadulaTV on YouTube. Look up Coro All’improvviso Programs and much more… and Subscribe or follow!
Sunday 16/06/2024. – 7.55pm to 9.05 – This is Program 100 of Paradiso from the Divina Commedia by Dante Alighieri … the presentation of Canto 22. You will also find Inferno and Purgatorio in this Series… Look up insegna.com in the Blog Section. Go to Shop first. Also on YouTube. Subscribe to TomPadulaTV. Visit – http://www.insegna.com http://tompadula.blogspot.com https://www.facebook.com/tcpadula – #dantealighieridivinacommedia #dantealighieridivinacommediaperbambini #dantealighieridivinacommediapurgatorio #dantealighieridivinacommediafilm #dantealighieridivinacommediadocumentario #dantealighieridivinacomedia #dantealighieridivinacomediaresumen #dantealighieriladivinacommediaitaliano #dantealighieridivinacommediainfernocanto1 #riassuntodantealighieridivinacommedia #dantealighieridivinacommediainferno #dantealighieriladivinacommediabenigni #dantealighieriladivinacommediahubscuola #dantealighierieladivinacommedia #dantealighieridivinacommediaand
Thursday – 06/06/2024 – Coro all’improvviso No.21 Songs Nos 10, 11, 12 – Dimmi Quando, Ciao Italy, Ciao Amore, Domenica – Thank you to Ricchi e Poveri and Bruno Ferraro for these popular songs. Today we, Trio Lucano No. 2, sing these here in Melbourne. You can also try to sing along to improve listening skills, pronunciation, intonation and good reading as an adult learning Italian. Singing is a healthy activity in private and socially. It helps our mental well being. Canta che ti passa! Go to Spotify and type Tom Padula TV for original singers interpretation… Also subscribe to TomPadulaTV on YouTube. Look up Coro All’improvviso Programs and much more.
Thursday – 06/06/2024 – Coro all’improvviso No.21 Songs Nos 7, 8, 9. – La Notte, Prima Notte D’Amore, Tu Soltanto Tu – Thank you to Pupo, Al Bano and Romina Power for these popular songs. Today we, Trio Lucano No. 2, sing these here in Melbourne. You can also try to sing along to improve listening skills, pronunciation, intonation and good reading as an adult learning Italian. Singing is a healthy activity in private and socially. It helps our mental well being. Canta che ti passa! Go to Spotify and type Tom Padula TV for original singers interpretation… Also subscribe to TomPadulaTV on YouTube. Look up Coro All’improvviso Programs and much more.
Tango delle rose, Silenzio Cantatore, Canzone Appassiunata are in Coro all’Improvviso No.16… these are Programs of 12 Italian Songs in each. My aim has been all along to introduce the lyrics of well known songs in the teaching and learning of Italian. I particularly enjoy the Italian songs and the poetry in them. So many well known and loved artists have performed them. I am grateful to Dora Marchese and her son Rino for the time spent together to develop this Project. Sing along with us …