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Coro all’ improvviso – Voce ‘e Notte

“Voce ‘e Notte” is the third song of Coro All’Improvviso no11. The first set of three songs is dedicated to the Neapolitan genre: very well liked by Dora on the Mandolin. Reno and I also like this type of repertoire. Famous for its romantic lyrics about a true story of a young man who fell in love with a young married woman to a much, much older man. When the husband died, the two married and proceeded to have 8 children! Enjoy… and sing with us!

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Coro all’improvviso “La Romanina”

“La Romanina” is a song that hails a woman from Rome… attractive, beautiful, proud! This afternoon by us Trio Lucano 2… the lyrics of this song can be used to learn Italian … listen to it, read it, sing… but then you can use the vocabulary to create your own sentences… a wonderful way to maintain your interest in this Bella Lingua. It’s song 1 of Coro All’Improvviso 10. However the original lyrics are a little changed: they are in Italian without those local Roman language expressions…