SONETTI LUSSURIOSI e altri scritti di Pietro Aretino – i classici dell’erotismo

$35.00 Inc GST


Il Cinquecento the 16th Century was a a very interesting time in Italy… straddling between the Renaissance and the beginning of a wider view of the world. The consequences of Cristoforo Colombo and all other seafaring discoveries with worlds outside of Europe began to be felt. Italy came under the influence of the new superpower of Spain. Civil life became more free and artists like Pietro Aretino wrote about the mundane and the more libertarian habits of certain sections of the population. This is one of the first erotic works that challenged the traditional conventions up to that time. perhaps the only exception would be the works of Giovanni Boccaccio. Pietro Aretino surpassed him with his works and the type of life that he lead. A very interesting book indeed!