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Solarino Social Club, Melbourne – Festa Del Papà Dinner Dance – Part 2 of 2

Solarino Social Club, Melbourne – Saturday 09 September 2023 – Festa Del Papà Dinner Dance – Part 2 of 2 – Entertainment by No Limits – A memorable night for me… one to remember… my work in Italian Clubs revolves around the theme of Lingua and Cultura. To promote the very best of Italian heritage in Australia from an educational perspective … Italian Clubs offer wonderful food and entertainment… however many in our Italian Community could benefit to be informed about the Italian language and the presentation of cultural snippets on nights like this one. Thank you Santo Gervasi for your support of this initiative by Tom Padula… yes, that’s me! My sincere wish is that Italian Background Australians and italophiles become truly bilingual and multicultural in our demeanour as Australian Citizens.


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Solarino Social Club, Melbourne – Festa Del Papà Dinner Dance – Part 1 of 2

Solarino Social Club, Melbourne – Saturday 09 September 2023 – Festa Del Papà Dinner Dance – Part 1 of 2 – Entertainment by No Limits – A memorable night for me… one to remember… my work in Italian Clubs revolves around the theme of Lingua and Cultura. To promote the very best of Italian heritage in Australia from an educational perspective … Italian Clubs offer wonderful food and entertainment… however many in our Italian Community could benefit to be informed about the Italian language and the presentation of cultural snippets on nights like this one. Thank you Santo Gervasi for your support of this initiative by Tom Padula… yes, that’s me! My sincere wish is that Italian Background Australians and italophiles become truly bilingual and multicultural in our demeanour as Australian Citizens.