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Federazione Lucana with Pat Perri and Memory Lane

On the Bus with Angela Papola – Film Part 1 of … – Three Days Griffith Excursion – October 2023 Oranges Festival – This is part of my travels to see Australia… just a day out or a few days gives me an appreciation of the great variety of environments of our Country! Yes, Our Country, since Multicultural Groups have and are contributing each day to make Australia a Modern, forward looking Nation that also appreciate the 150 plus indigenous areas. Today we have a No Voice vote behind us and a Yes reality of History from the Dreamtime. Let’s have it all by closing all Gaps… Egalite’ demands it! Saturday 23 September 2023 – Film Part 2 of 2 – Federazione Lucana with Pat Perri and Memory Lane at the Cavatelli Night Dinner Dance. This is a particularly well run Italian Club in Melbourne offering many activities. I enjoyed meeting this Group of Musicians and singers. Pat is vey enthusiastic about his craft and offers a variety of musical styles. It was good to see many players together live… A very enjoyable and memorable event.